Over the summer we have seen unprecedented action by criminal barristers and a Government in paralysis which has refused to meaningfully engage or even acknowledge the extent of the issues.
A lot of work has been done preparing for this year’s Labour Conference. Our first event with the Shadow Front Bench, the Bar Council, the Law Society and the Criminal Bar Association will be on Access to Justice. Have a look at our website for details of our packed diary of SLL events planned for Conference. Particular thanks go to Frankie Grant our Administrative Manager. I also want to welcome Rachel Tudor who is joining the SLL admin team.
We have had planning meetings on the SLL book which will be looking at the policies a Labour Government could implement which would make a real difference. I am excited that we have the experience of Professor of Law and Government, Thom Brooks who will be Co-Editing with me. If you want to get involved please contact us or the Group Co-Chairs to find out more.
There were Group meetings over the summer including our new Energy and Environment Group.
All of this hasn’t stopped our ongoing advisory work for the Shadow Front Bench which, in June and July, included advice and drafting in relation to a Clean Air Act, the Childcare Act, and mobility and temporary movement provisions in FTAs.
Catherine Atkinson, Chair Society of Labour Lawyers