Hi there
I am reaching out about the Society of Labour Lawyers Mentoring Scheme (2025), which we think will be of real interest to members of your members.
It would be hugely appreciated if you could share the below details about the Scheme with your members. Further details about the Society and our Mentoring Scheme can be found below, which you may want to use when promoting the opportunity.
The deadline for applications is midnight on 28 February 2025 and the application form can be found at https://forms.gle/TAS7zYacbugXigxi7
SLL Mentorship Scheme 2025Mentee Application Formforms.gle |
About the Scheme
The Society of Labour Lawyers (SLL) is affiliated to the Labour Party and is made up of Party members who work in the legal sector.
The SLL Mentoring Scheme has been developed to provide an individual mentor to students or recent graduates considering a legal career, including students from non-traditional backgrounds who may not benefit from a wider network of family and friends who work in the profession.
We want to demonstrate to mentees the wide variety of legal careers and practice areas open to them and emphasise that lawyers working in any environment should be able to combine their career with their Labour values. We’ve had a fantastic response from Society members coming forward to act as mentors to students and recent graduates in next year’s cohort. The mentors include barristers and solicitors working right across the country in a range of practice areas and roles.
In addition to the value of the one-to-one mentor-mentee relationship, there will be a programme of networking and skills-based events for mentees during the Scheme.

To be considered for the Scheme, an applicant must be a student or recent graduate (who has graduated within the past two years and is yet to find full-time, permanent employment in the legal sector) who is both:
• interested in pursuing a legal career; and
• a member of or sympathetic to the aims and values of the Labour Party.
The Scheme is not limited to those studying for a law degree. Mentees may, for example, be studying another subject at university but applying for vacation schemes or mini pupillages.
Successful applicants will be expected to join the Society of Labour Lawyers, if they are not already members.
Should you have any questions please contact administrator@societyoflabourlawyers.org.uk.
Many thanks in advance,
Dan Jones
Mentoring Scheme Coordinator